More Walter Veith DVD SPECIALS
Prof. Walter J. Veith
- The Genesis Conflict: Putting the Pieces Together - 6 DVDs
- Truth Matters - 21 DVDs
- Life at it's Best - 5 DVDs
“Total Onslaught” DVD series this DVD series of 3 sets contains
32 DVDs including many of the subjects covered in the powerful
"Total Onslaught" series. BUT
for only a fraction of the costs: just
1. Truth Matters: a 21
volume set by Walter Veith series is a study of Revelation, and Biblical prophecy.
2.The Genesis Conflict:
DVDs on the creation-evolution debate, with startlingly new revelations
in favour of creation which is admitted by the most respected
scientists, unwillingly of course!
3. Life at it's Best: 5
DVDs on alternative ways to health; veganism, vegetarianism and the
dangers of eating meat, drinking cows milk, etc.:
with this Life-Style set |
1. |
Health Your Choice |
2. |
Fuel for Perfect Health |
3. |
on a Time Bomb |
4. |
Amazing |
5. |
Alternative Lifestyle |
PLUS a FREE book: Secrets Behind the
Veil, What you Don't Know Can Hurt You..., by P.D. Moore.
Order your copy today!
Walter Vieth: ‘It’s a long story, but I
was an evolutionist, and an atheist. I started to get
interested in the
subject of Biblical prophecy—for example, prophecies
in the book of Daniel, chapter two. They were written long
before the
events portrayed there, and the kingdoms came in succession
just as it
says. And the Dead Sea Scrolls seemed to confirm the
authenticity and
antiquity of the Book of Daniel. So I started to get interested
in the
rest of Scripture, including Genesis.’
Dr Veith said that he had already been undergoing some
himself—he started off as a classical Darwinian ‘gradualist’,
believing that evolution happened by the slow accumulation of little
But because the fossil record does not show creatures gradually
changing into
others, he was drawn to the later idea that evolution must have
happened ‘in
spurts and bursts’. He noticed also that evolutionists were conceding
in the so-called Cambrian rocks, supposedly not long after the dawn
of multi-celled
When Prof. Veith was asked whether such built-in mechanisms
for rapid
variation could be the remnants of mechanisms from the original kinds
after the Flood, enabled populations such as the original ‘dog’
to rapidly diversify into wolves, coyotes, dingoes, etc? He
‘Absolutely. A lot of the
can simply come about by playing different tunes on the same piano,
as it
were. There are organisms where there appears to have been a fusion
of chromosomes,
but basically the same information is there, just the order in
which it is
arranged is different, which has tremendous effects on the
organisms themselves.’
So what happened after he became a believer in
‘When I started lecturing to
my students
(about creation evidences) at my previous university, it caused
havoc, and
I had to leave because of it.’
Dr Veith is convinced about the evidence for a
young world,
and a global Flood. He says:
‘I gave a lecture at the
of Cape Town once, and presented the evidence from my slides that
the famous
Yellowstone petrified “forests” were not a succession of separate
forests over vast ages, but were the result of a catastrophic
‘The geologists were so furious they exploded and
me a liar, that such research had never been done. Knowing where it
had been
published, I asked them, “What journal would you like it to be
in?” They said, “If it was in something like The Journal of
it would have been acceptable.” I said, “That’s exactly where
it is, and you’ll have a copy on your desk.” So I sent them a copy, with the
article by a creationist
scientist. And the next day they came back and said, “But it says
about a world-wide Flood.” I said, “Exactly. If it said it was a
world Flood, nobody would ever publish it. But it’s clear that
logs were deposited by massive catastrophism.”’
Professor Walter Veith obtained his doctorate
zoology from the University of Cape Town in 1979. He is currently
professor in
the zoology department of the University of the Western Cape, South
Professor Veith's research field is nutritional physiology and his
concentrates on the affect of modern animal husbandry on the incidence
disease transferral to man. This highly controversial topic is of vital
significance in view of the increase in epidemics and diseases such as
Mad Cows
Disease. His research concentrates on degenerative diseases caused by
nutrition and particularly diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and
But he is also concerned about the impact of the use of antibiotics in
a new breed of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which are causing food
epidemics around the world. Professor Veith and his team have presented
lectures on the topic. Their research has been presented at
conferences on nutrition and disease, and their findings have proved
that diet
impacts directly on numerous degenerative diseases. Professor Veith is
one of
only 5 scientists in South Africa honoured with the Royal Society
London Grant
for (RDP) the Reconstruction and Development Program to establish a
climate in post-apartheid South Africa. Professor Veith has written a
number of
books on the above topics, and is a world-renowned speaker and
book, Diet and Health (containing the latest insights and includes his
own research) is published by the prestigious scientific publisher:
Publishers (Stuttgart Wissenschaftlicher Verlag), which publishes books
for the
medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry and is available on
world-wide market.
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